
How to Handle a Teen's Risky Behavior Despite Good Parenting?

I always been a caring mom, always teaching my kids values, there's no drugs or violence in my house. My kods get excellent grades and are not disrespectful to us or anyone else. I just realized my almost 15 year old girl was cutting school and breaking in people's houseswoth other teens/ smoking and hanging out with another teenager who is a gang member. The school is trashy and they never noticed anything. I found out of all this because she was texting a friend and also telling this guy he can jump the backyard fence and sneak in the house in the middle of the night. Im very frustrated. I don't know how to punish her cause taking her phone away is not going to be the only punishment.

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Thank you ladies so much
01.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
I would definitely install a window chime. They can be found on Amazon for $20 or less. Definitely have her get a part-time job or volunteer this summer to keep her busy. Get in touch with the school counselor to find out if she's behind. If the school was affected by covid-19 then that may be why you never found out. Honestly if this was my child I would have her in therapy so fast. She's crying out for help, probably has a low self-esteem and is looking to be accepted by her peers (bad peers doesn't matter) which is normal for her age. She needs a new direction though before she heads further on this path. Maybe you can find her a mentor or something.
01.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
Take out everything from her room except for her bed and give her just one pair of clothes to wear to school every day for 2 weeks (she washes them every day if she wants to have clean clothes) and if you can afford it put some alarms on the windows. Drive and walk her into school every morning and pick her up. And have her volunteer cleaning out horse stalls or cleaning up at an animal shelter after school.

That's what my parents did when my sister decided to be a jackass when she was a teenager. It straightened her up real quick.
When my sister had to earn back the privileges she took for granted and she slowly got them back
01.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
Also maybe she should be the one responsible for preparing and cleaning up after dinner
01.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
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