💍 Marriages: 0
💔 Divorces: 0
👶 Kids: 2
👦 Brothers: 2
👧 Sisters: 1
🐦 Pets right now: 0
👩🏼⚕️ Surgeries: 3
✒ Tattoos: 1
✋🏼 Quit a job: yes
🌴 Been to an island: yes in the Bahamas
🚘 What do you drive: Mercedes Benz & Jeep
✈️ Flown on a plane: yes
❤ Fallen in love: yes
🚑 Rode in an ambulance: no
🎤 Sang karaoke: yes
⛸ Ice skating: yes
🚢 Been on a cruise: yes
🏍 Rode a motorcycle: no
🏍 Owned a motorcycle: never
🐴 Rode on a horse: yes
🏥 Stayed in a hospital: yes
🍓 Favorite fruit: strawberries
🌓 Favorite da...