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princess Maya is here! born 7/13/2017 6lbs 9oz 20inches
krissilacalderon Ahhh she's gorgeous!!!! And obviously my hormones are all over the place because this picture has me
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I'm having a c-section tomorrow. will it increase my colostrum and milk supply if i drank some mothers milk tea all night? (i dont have to fast until 8am)
koture427 @jasholbert when i had my son, all we did was skin to skin and massage my boobs.
jasholbert Also, @mommychina_, is a lactation consultant. She can help but La Leche League told me the only
mommychina_ You do not need to drink anything. I had a C section and I am still breastfeeding
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i got my birthing box braids and pedicure done. lol. i still havent packed a hospital bag yet... or washed baby clothes... shame on me.
koture427 @logan.sarah.walters im having a scheduled c section so I have no reason not to be prepared. my
koture427 @fasciamom lol the last thing u wanna worry about is your hair... and people always wanna take
del_1550003503_badgirlnextdoor @koture427 there was no way in hell I let people take pictures. Not if they wanted to
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I'm so pissed! my c section has been rescheduled from the 12th to the 17th. and now it's with a dr. i dont know. smh
del_1532019671_jaygirls I would ask for your doctor
del_1532019671_jaygirls You have the right to pick your date
koture427 @js_kidsmom ur right. my fluid was low and my son stopped growing from my last scan just
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i feel like I'm constipated.. but in my vagina... does that make sense? lol there is a lot of pressure and an uncontrollable urge to push and my vag feels sssooo sore and painful... this is definitely a new one. lol
koture427 @ecahanes omg.. i hesitated posting this because i didnt wanna sound crazy.. I'm glad that im not
ecahanes lol I just started using my maternity belt and it's heaven!
cb958805 When I get constitipated, I can literally feel the pressure and pain in my vajayjay.
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