I'm having a c-section tomorrow. will it increase my colostrum and milk supply if i drank some mothers milk tea all night? (i dont have to fast until 8am)
Also, @mommychina_, is a lactation consultant. She can help but La Leche League told me the only proven way is baby on breast. Some of those teas and different products can even have adverse effects on women and dry them up. :(
@jasholbert when i had my son, all we did was skin to skin and massage my boobs. i couldn't even produce colostrum until i got home and had that tea. i had to give him formula at the hospital because we wasn't peeing or pooping and lost way too much late too fast.
The only way to increase milk is when you put baby to the breast. Removing the placenta will trigger your milk to come in. Baby doesn't need a lot in the early days.