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my 3 month has a cold what can i do to make him feel better ? 😢😢
blessedmama121619 @nena214 my 4 month old has been the same,with a cough also but I just put saline
nena214 aww i hope yout baby gets better soon @mommyof2preciousboys1216 and did you mean chestrub? with Vicks. and
blessedmama121619 @nena214, well I use Vicks baby rub and they also have zarbees chest rub for babies... well
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i found this baby monitor app on my phone its wonderfull love it!
tristan-makes-5 @nena214, yes whats the name
nena214 Dormi
nena214 its like a green stroller and blue ontop. all u need is an old phone and ur
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my baby is 6 weeks old and i noticed he hasnt pooped well today all day he didnt and i was told to give him 1 ounce of water and he did poop but that was only 1 time all day today
nena214 @kbrown91, yeah true i dont want to get his formula switched i was just a lil worried
kbrown91 Completely understandable lol. I was like that too with my first baby! & I have 4 and
korahleah_11 you should do some research about newborns having increase water in take. just gunna leave this here.
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is it bad to swaddle your newborn 6 week old baby ? at night when put to sleep
kysonsmommy610 long as it's not too tight. & I saw that too but they said that because it
xoamac You can do it up until he starts rolling over. After that no more bc he can
nena214 yeah when i swaddle him i make sure hes not too tight but comfy enough
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