my baby is 6 weeks old and i noticed he hasnt pooped well today all day he didnt and i was told to give him 1 ounce of water and he did poop but that was only 1 time all day today
@kbrown91, yeah true i dont want to get his formula switched i was just a lil worried he hadnt pooped all day till i was told to give him water and he pooped and yes he hasnt sleept alot like he usually do i guess im just worrying to much he is my first baby 😍😍
right! my sister and sister in law said try to give them a little more water in thier formula and ive tried it ima keep doing it see if that helps also
He's not constipated then. & he's gonna stop sleeping as much too and start being awake more, its all completely normal. The doctor isn't going to change his formula without a good reason, bc it takes time to adjust to the new proteins and it could actually make him constipated. So I would leave the formula alone. But like I said they can go a few days without popping at all and still be fine. Sounds like he is perfectly fine and doing everything normal. @nena214
Now I don't know about going a few days without pooping. My daughter pooped between 1-2 times a day in the beginning. She had a hard time getting it out before and it was hard. I was told to make sure to mix her formula really well and make sure we're not accidentally giving her a little too much formula versus water.
well honestly he hasnt cried out of the normal he usually does and when he did poop earlier today it was not hard just regular actualy kinda watery not so watery but regular i can say and he hasnt sleept as much as he usaully does tho hum...
They slow down on pooping the older they get. He may go a few days without pooping at all, and that's normal as well. but like @xoamac its only constipation when its hard balls & he's straining a lot and crying. @nena214