Amanda miller
United States
I'm Amanda I have a son Easton and now pregnant with twin babies due jan/31/2018


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5 days late still no AF going to test tomorrow
lykinsamanda Are ur peirods regular already with only a 4 month old .. mine is almost 4 monts
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My 4 month old has blood in his poop I’m freaking out do I need to take him in ??!!
akm2396 @scx, yes he was screaming and I was holding him trying to calm him down and then
thebthatdontcare It could be from being such a hard poop but to be safe I would take him
mommysaurusx7 They may put him on a stool softener. My youngest son was always on a stool softener
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Evap line or positive I have a blood test Friday
xoxochelsey @akm2396 ok then I'd say a faint positive of it was within the time frame. But so
akm2396 @xoxochelsey, yes it was there in the time frame just super faint I could see it my
xoxochelsey I see the line. Did it show up within the time frame? Honestly the blue dye tests
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Okay I’m gonna be that girl
Lol so I took these two today and got this so I went and got a digital and it said not pregnant?? I’m confused 🤷‍♀️
motherof3dragons Am I blind? I only see 1 line on each test. Where do y'all see two?
little_mommy_of_3 @momofboys30, there are faint shadows where the line would be. BUT it could just be an evap.
akm2396 @tacos4lyfe, yes I got a pink one it was negative but I’m 4 days late on AF
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