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hey mommas!! so tonight I noticed my son doesn't want to sleep in his swing anymore but on his belly in the crib (thank god lol) but I've always been told not too because of SID and stuff like that. He's 4m and can pick his head up just fine. but I'm still worried....Any mom that puts their LO on their belly too sleep?? I need reassurance...

*picture for attention!*

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13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@nikolaismommy, my daughter has slept on her belly from about a month old. It was the only way she would sleep and her pediatrican said it was fine because she was holding her head up by then. I lay her on her back every night for bed and within 30 seconds, shes flipped over on her belly. Just please be sure not to have a bunch of blankets and stuffed animals in with him :) my Scarlett has to cover her face with a blanket when she sleeps and it scares me! So she sleeps with the very thin ones. Lol
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lilanne1927, he picks up his head pretty well and can move it side to side so I just got to keep that in mind haha. but thank you!! especially since your LO is younger then my son and is sleeping on his belly just fine makes me feel so much better!
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kaylalee201, thank you! if it works for Niko I'm all for it since I've been trying for a really long time to get him out of sleeping in his swing. But from the moment I became a mom it's been "no sleeping on his belly" blah blah blah. but my mom used to do it with all three of us and my aunt also and we're still alive lol. but I was still a little worried but thank you!
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My 5 week old rolls onto his stomach to sleep. I also cosleep so I normally put my hand on his back and let him sleep but mentally I wake every hour to check on him. They normally say if the child can move their heads pretty good than they will move their heads if they can't breath. I normally look at it as when a child head slumps in the car they will move it if they can't breath or are uncomfortable so I use that to compare.
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I put Damon on his stomach every night and he is four months. he just sleeps better that way
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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