Charlotte Bates
United Kingdom, Barnstaple


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I serious don't know we're he gets his pout from 😂😂 💙18 months💙 💗10 weeks💗
mammyto3 6th of May only 8 more weeks as getting induced on due date if she's not here
mammyto3 @batesy11,
batesy11 Not long then 😁😃 I know she already has more clothes than her brother boys clothes just
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I had my beautiful baby 1week ago and i have never felt so tearful and down in my life, I struggle not to just want to break down when my partners working and I have both the kids... Anyone else experienced this??
babyboots its called baby blues hun... most new mummys get tearful after the birth.. hope you feel better
t446 hope u start to feel better soon I had my baby girl 4 weeks ago n I
theasmummy Whatever you do don't let this feeling go on for too long. It's true the majority of
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Hello I'm new to this app, I'm nearly 37 weeks pregnant and haven't felt my baby move yet this morning, Do you think it's best to ring antenatal or wait a little longer?? I just don't want them to think I'm a hypochondriac:) x
puddy If you feel it isn't normal, witch you have as you've mentioned it then I would ring
sophiegreen Ring them just incase, my midwife told me it's normal for babies to have lazy days as
batesy11 Thank you everyone, I rang them and they asked me to come in, thankfully nothing was wrong
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