Hello I'm new to this app, I'm nearly 37 weeks pregnant and haven't felt my baby move yet this morning, Do you think it's best to ring antenatal or wait a little longer?? I just don't want them to think I'm a hypochondriac:) x
Thank you everyone, I rang them and they asked me to come in, thankfully nothing was wrong and I just had a lazy baby. For future I'd advise everyone to just ring in for peace of mind :)
If you feel it isn't normal, witch you have as you've mentioned it then I would ring them! & I was told off for leaving it a few hours when I was worried once. They told me never be funny about anything call us straight away.. your never wasting there time ever!!! hope all Ok :)
I'm 37 weeks today and I don't always feel him till the evening or late afternoon.. baby could just be asleep. need to give them a chance to wake up and to move.. if there's no movement by late afternoon then ring them and they will put you on the monitor.. in the mean time have a bath, rest and cold glass of water to try and wake baby up xxx
Ring them as they would rather you rang than waited it out. They'll give you advice on what's best to do better to be safe than sorry. Baby might have been wriggling through the night but still any change in movements must be checked x
I'm 39+5 and to be honest I don't feel my baby that often. Many times I've freaked myself out thinking something is wrong, but I've come to realise she's just a quiet baby. But everyone is different, so if you feel something is wrong then go get checked!! Better safe than sorry :) I'm sure the ice water that the other person suggested should get the baby moving, or something sugary! x
I'm not sure if it's not normal, I'll drink some ice cold water (handy having my craving as ice :D) and if I don't have any movement in half hour I'll ring, thank you :) x
is it normal for your baby not to move and try eat something or drink something cold I'm 28+1 and I don't feel him all the time but if it's not normal for baby not to move ring them just for piece of mind x