United States, Georgia, Warner Robins


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when did you start giving your baby 4oz?
ls99 My baby is almost 4 months and still only drinks 3ounces. Sometimes less than that!
naerae54 my baby is 3 weeks and drinking 3 oz every two hours and sometimes its like he
naerae54 @ls99,
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what can I do to make my boobs feel better they hurt so bad and I pump and breasfeed to get them to stop but it doesn't help do I need to pump more?
norarodgers I had that problem too. I breastfed my daughter till she was 6-7 months old but when
naerae54 how long did you pump for? @norarodgers
norarodgers Typically an hour for each breast. Really depended sometimes on how full they were. But I tried
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you know your a mom when you have to bring your baby with you to poop, and let me tell you this is my first poop, after the c section lol
sarahdrew this second time I had my first one while still at the hospital and I did the
naerae54 I thought it was going to be bad but it really wasn't at all i took my
sarahdrew that's all it takes lol @naerae54
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I'm so thankful for my aunt helping me through this FTM had my baby via c section due to breech and my aunt let me stay with her the first night and helped with the baby so I could get some rest, she wants me to stay with her the first three days but I'm ready to get back to my bf and show Jax his room(:
mivida I couldn't agree anymore..... please let those that want to step in and help you put because
mrssabby That's really loving, but if she can't come to your house I'd stick it out for the
bfelixreyes Yes take advantage of the help even if it means not being home. This coming from a
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Jax nurses for an hour tonight, he kept falling asleep so when he finally stopped sucking for awhile so I took him off, then starts crying so I tried a paccy it worked but he spits it out, how do i even know if I'm giving him enough?
mivida they say when his arms get relaxed, if he stops sucking for a while then he's done...
santistevanmommie How old is he?? He could be going through a growth spurt and cluster feeding. I remember
kriisssroxana My son does this too. He's only 8 days old. He always falls asleep on the boob
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