I'm so thankful for my aunt helping me through this FTM had my baby via c section due to breech and my aunt let me stay with her the first night and helped with the baby so I could get some rest, she wants me to stay with her the first three days but I'm ready to get back to my bf and show Jax his room(:

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Yes take advantage of the help even if it means not being home. This coming from a momma that had no help and had to care for my newborn and step child right away since dad had to work! I got no recovery or sleep
26.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's really loving, but if she can't come to your house I'd stick it out for the 3 days if you don't have help at home
26.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I couldn't agree anymore..... please let those that want to step in and help you put because you might be feeling good now but if you over do it (it doesn't to much) you could very well have high blood pressure or worst you going to be in pain especially after a C section. .... it's just for a couple days you will be thankful and would probably ask her to come to the house for help
26.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
maybe tour aunt could come over during the day? you are gonna want help trust me.... you may feel pretty good right now but if you try and do too much it's gonna cause pain.... I would accept help mama ☺
26.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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