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I know this isnt about babies but y'all are experts in diaper rash. My very sick mother in law is in diapers and has a really bad diaper rash, its lightly bleeding. What's the best remedy for diaper rash?
leahh See if you can get her prescribed a cream, my kids have had prescriptions for something called
boymama523 Might sound crazy but- if you have breastmilk and she doesn’t mind- pump some then put it Get her prescribed a cream and then start using bag balm, it will keep all the bacteria
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Drowning in postpartum depression still, any tips? Talking to people literally does nothing.
katiew1920 I agree meds and therapy helped me 😊😊
thood I agree with @scruffy.nerf.herder, I’m on Zoloft and it’s slowly starting to help me. This is all
boymama523 Talk to your doctor and see what’s right for you. Sounds cliche but they’ll know if workout,
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My 5 month old is having a mild rash in reaction to prunes baby food. What do I do? Can I give her benadryl? If it gets worse I'm calling her doctor
love_linds I’d call her doctor. But also, she should not have solids until at least 6 months. It’s
mrssanderson I’d call her doctor/get her seen before giving any type of medication.
2sweetie Maybe just some hydrocortisone would be enough, but call her doctor to check. And obviously hold off
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So my 4 month old got her shots yesterday woke up this morning and I checked her temp its 99.5 ,I gave her tylenol, shoud I be doing more?
lovelymomma. I would place a cool rag on her feet and forehead (if she will let you) just
yurmomsahoe That's a common reaction after getting shots is a low grade fever. Tylonal and a cool rag
mommyof.3 I know this sounds silly but when my kiddos were that age I would give them a
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