United States, Maryland, Baltimore
💅college student📚full time worker🔦first time mommyy 🙊👶🙈 follow me as I take this ride to motherhood 😍😍 Ms. Logan Elle 12/08/15,


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helppp!!! which one for my 4 month old
madibug96 I haven't chosen yet but make sure the one you get doesn't allow their legs to hang
logansfave thanks ladies
noelsmommy I have the one in the blue and white box in the bottom shelf
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I've been cheating on this app!!! I feel guilty lol but my new group they starting to get too judgemental so im back like I never left !!
mantha823 hahaha was it period diary?! I left there for here bc I couldn't stand the stupidity lol
logansfave noo it's a group on's for breastfeeding but if you ask anything else other than bf
mantha823 hahaha wow some women think they've got their PhD my nurse told me she didn't breastfeed her
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mommy's when did you start giving your little ones cereal in their milk?
logansfave I've already started giving it to her I was just curious she's 2 months and eats like
karnamarie depends. My son was hungry! he was ducking down 6 or 7 oz bottles at 4 months
bbbbb888 I would wait till 6 months baby could have digestive problems
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I have a poor diet. beginning to feel like I shouldn't be breastfeeding because I don't eat healthy no veggies rarely fruits It's like am I what's best for my daughter
logansfave thanks !! she's growing healthy but I feel like she not getting her nutrients ya know. ..
supermom1104 if you get the vitamins you should be fine also keep taking prenatals as well
logansfave I need to start back on my daily multi vitamins
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i love this man so much!
logansfave thank you!😊
missjess I wish my bf would be that way... He harps on me to work. Granted I have
logansfave right if anybody deserves to stay home it would be you ... but I've learned just becuase
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it seems like my little one will not sleep thru the night ...she still wakes up to feed every 2 or so hours I just wake up guide her to the breast and go back to sleep
lovelycin09 i pump few times a day and bottle feed my son and he still wakes up every
logansfave she bottle feeds throughout the day since she's in daycare and she won't take formula at all
ananasbaby babies who get breast milk should not sleep through the night until 6 months. however at two
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