it seems like my little one will not sleep thru the night ...she still wakes up to feed every 2 or so hours I just wake up guide her to the breast and go back to sleep
babies who get breast milk should not sleep through the night until 6 months. however at two months they should be able to sleep 4 hours at night between feedings.
she bottle feeds throughout the day since she's in daycare and she won't take formula at all she just throws it up ...I think she is comfort feeding more than anything or like snacking throughout the night becuase she knows she can
i pump few times a day and bottle feed my son and he still wakes up every 2 hours or so i explained this to his doctor she said its normal they get hungry right away because breastmilk is great & goes right through them mines poops everytime i feed him its easier to digest that's why they get hungry again so fast. i tried to formula feed he will sleep for 3 hours but he will get too much gas and be fussy all the time.. so i rather give him breast milk it's the best for them
When I breast fed , my baby would wake up a lot too cause she wasn't getting enough so I started formula & she took to it great & slept well but that's just me .