Hello my cycle days usually vary from 28-33 days
I typically ovulate on cycle day 19
But last months cycle was 26 days long
Is it possible for myself to of ovulated on cycle day 19 still or would it or been sooner for that cycle?
harlem This is exactly what happened to me and it threw me off so bad. I ovulated earlier
ekko It would likely be sooner. The luteal phase (time between ovulation and menstruation) is anywhere from 10-16
Have been spotting brown blood since Sunday night
Not enough to fill up a pad but it doesn’t stop.
Help. Advice. Got blood test done just waiting for my results. Have you been been pregnant and spotted like this?
lizibear84 It can be normal, can also not be. I’d call your ob just to get checked.
2sweetie I didn’t spot in my first pregnancy but I did in my second. It was super light
mmgarcia81 I spotted with all three of my kids. My youngest was from 4 weeks until 9 weeks.
What do you guys think about these tests?
Currently 3 weeks late.
I’ve tooken so many tests and some are negative and some faint lines
So idk what to think anymore
Help… I’m tired of testing I have a appointment until the 26
whereswaldo Look like evap lines to me honestly. Especially if most are negative. I’ve gotten some pretty gnarly
love_linds **taken so many test
I’d wait until your drs appt & stop testing & let them check
2sweetie They look negative to me. How many periods have you had since you had your baby? It’s