Низкий HCG и боли в тазу на ранних сроках беременности: у кого было похожее? Советы?

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seeking any advice for comfort I guess… I know I won’t know anything official until the doctor tells me. but would love to talk to anyone who has been through something similar.
I took 3 positive pregnancy tests, the next day I went to the doctor and was told my HCG was low at 43. 2 days later I went back, HCG was 71. 2 days again later I went back, HCG was 154. Went back the following week for and ultrasound (st this point I am 8 weeks after missed period) and this was the scan I got. they said it looks like a possible gestational sac but is very small such as 3 weeks or so. which does not make sense!! I also started getting bad pain in my pelvis area on the left side going into my left leg. It almost feels like a pulled muscle, it hurts to touch and hurts when I squat / walk. anyone deal with anything similar? Sorry for long post, hope everyone is having a great day! #myfirstpost

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Have you been checked for an ectopic pregnancy?
21.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
I went yesterday for the pain in my side. I forgot to update on here. They found gestational sac with a yolk sac in my uterus with hcg at 3500. They are saying the pregnancy is viable at 5 weeks 3 days but still want me to come back for ultrasound next week to see an embryo ☺️
21.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
@emilangenfeld6, I’m glad everything is ok 🫶 praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy for you and baby
01.09.2024 Нравится Ответить
None of us are doctors so take this with a grain of salt but I am going by your dates and this doesn’t sound like a viable pregnancy. Your hcg numbers were doubling or close to but that isn’t always the end all be all. I’m so sorry and I hope I am wrong but I’ve been through two miscarriages and your situation was similar to mine.
20.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
That’s what I’m thinking too. They say it could just be wrong dates and could be really early and they keep telling me to just wait and come back. It’s so frustrating. I’ve been TTC for over a year and I finally got pregnant and this is the outcome. Thank you for responding
20.08.2024 Нравится Ответить
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