thinking I was having a miscarriage….. weeks of blood work & ultrasounds…. Officially found the fetal pole yesterday… due April 28th with my 4th babe. thank you god ⭐️❤️
seeking any advice for comfort I guess… I know I won’t know anything official until the doctor tells me. but would love to talk to anyone who has been through something similar.
I took 3 positive pregnancy tests, the next day I went to the doctor and was told my HCG was low at 43. 2 days later I went back, HCG was 71. 2 days again later I went back, HCG was 154. Went back the following week for and ultrasound (st this point I am 8 weeks after missed period) and this was the scan I got. they said it looks like a possible gestational sac but is very small such as 3 weeks or so. which does not make sense!! I also started getting bad pain in my pelvis area on the left side going into my left leg. It almost feels like a pulled muscle, it hurts to touch and hurts when I squat / walk. anyone deal with anything similar? Sorry for long post, hope everyone is having a great day! #myfirstpost