Emma Teresa
Emma Teresa
😂 I am constantly starving, i can eat a full meal and my tummy feels empty, if i dont eat i feel sick and if i do eat and feel full its for 5 minuets and then im literally so tired and can barely keep my eyes open! So i am just forever eating but i feel like ive put weight on already 😅😅🤭🤭.. this is going to be a big baby! Its sucking the nutrients out of me and leaving me drained 😂😂😂!! I was hungry with mia but not like this its it's crazy

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I felt like this this time around! I had to eat to stop myself feeling sick but I could only eat things I fancied, I couldn’t just eat ‘anything’ else it would make me more sick 🤢 and then shortly after eating I would feel sick and STARVING again. Finally came back to normal at about 12 weeks 🤣
18.06.2021 Нравится Ответить
Oh wow !! it's crazy isnt it 😂 only 5 weeks to go then I'm hoping by 12 weeks I'll be feeling normal ish again! 🙏🏻🤣
18.06.2021 Нравится Ответить
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