Jo Wilcox
United Kingdom, Newcastle-under-Lyme
Engaged mummy to my gorgeous Charlie! 💙💍


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Кто еще пользуется приложением? Детям уже 7 и 2 года, а я забыла про него! Есть кто живой?
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Totally forgot about this app 😂 Is anybody still on here? Charlie’s now 7 and Evie will be 2 in December 😭
jessie23xx I pop on now and again! 👋🏼 that’s flown! I remember you having Evie! I’m sure Charlie
mummyto2tinyhumans Omg!!! Look at them they’ve both grown wayyyyy too much!!! Wow!! Hope you’re all keeping well!! You
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Девочке 15 месяцев: как быстро летит время! Что нового умеет малышка в 15 месяцев?
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Time is flying by. This little lady is now 15 months old 🥹
kelsey234 Her hair 😍😍 x
juliemcallister Beautiful hair
mummyto2tinyhumans Omg she’s a double of Charlie! She’s absolutely beautiful!! Look at her little pigtails 😊😊😊🥰🥰 xx
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Дети начали ругаться: что делать, если дети ссорятся и раздражают друг друга после праздников?
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Hope everybody had a lovely Christmas and a great new year ❤️ a year in and the 2 of them have officially started fighting and getting annoyed with each other 😂
kelsey234 Happy Christmas and New year lovely 💕 so funny isn't it Tommy and Emie are always annoying
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Моему ребенку 1 год: как отметить первый день рождения малыша?
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My baby is 1 😭😭😭😭
beebeejgill 🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜 Happy 1st birthday princess! Xxx
happymoma2 Happy birthday little one , sorry it’s a bit late
charmaine_louise Happy birthday sweetie x
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Что делать при конъюнктивите у ребенка? Советы кроме очевидных, температура 40.2, поит шприцом
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Anyone have any suggestions besides the obvious for conjunctivitis? Evie is struggling with it, temp of 40.2 which as soon as calpol wears off it’s raging again 😩 only water she’s taking is through a syringe 5ml at a time. Seen by the doctor and they said viral conjunctivitis so nothing they can do 🙄
em90 Have you tried alternating nurofen and calpol so once one wears off you can time it so
sara-lou86 I've never known temperatures to go along side conjunctivitis. Poor thing. There's a lot going around atm.
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Люблю эту девушку больше жизни: чувства переполняют!
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Love this girl more than life itself 😩❤️
chelsea2018 She is literally Charlie’s double!!! Little stunner xx
mrsbodell She is so like Charlie!! Beautiful little lady x
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