Allowed like she comes in it? Or do you mean sleep time? I do not have set limits besides sleeping on my bed at night since she will be ten in July and have her own bed. But during the day if she wants to stay on the bed during ipad time? Sure. I do not worry that she will wreck things.
He’s not allowed to sleep at night with me or in there during the day without me but sometimes I super cave and let him sleep with me if he wakes up earlier in the morning or if he actually agrees to nap, I’ll let him lay down in my room and usually nap with him. But we coslept for the first 3.5 years of his life so.... I enjoy having my bed to myself.
They're allowed. It's honestly something we've never thought about putting off limits. I guess the only time they're not allowed is when my husband and I are having sex, but that's usually at night when they're asleep or if they're watching a movie, so it's not like we advertise at that precise moment not to come in.
She's allowed in my room unless I am in there with the door shut and need privacy, like dressing or something. Our only off limit areas are the basement and the attic for safety reasons.
Absolutely. We're pretty lenient parents and give our girls free raine as long as they're obedient and pick up after themselves. Growing up my dad's room was the kick it spot so we don't mind them doing the same. We're an extremely affectionate family and share each other's rooms some times lol
@hardknockmama yes. We hug and kiss all the time. When we all are on the couch watching TV we'll rub each other's feet lol We share i love you's about 100xs a day lol
Both my boys start off in their own room but in the middle of the night they both end up in our bed. I loove cuddling with my babies, it’s like therapy for me! However they’re not allowed in our room for any other reason.
They are allowed in my room. But not my bed. Everyone has their own bed and im not sharing mines. I hate outside clothes or any clothes that's not pjs inside my bed. 😅👣👣👣👣👣
They are not allowed in our bed/room if we are not present in the room, however they can come in and sit and talk and cuddle with us through out the day. I don’t mind that, they won’t be little forever. However they are not allowed in our bed/room at night expect for night terrors, sick, or the weather and are scared and that’s very seldom that happens.