Ni Girls.!! I am pensive, you know on September 23 I get off and on September 28 I ran out of the whole month of October I do not get off and it is November 18 and I still do not get off and right now I just took a test and it came out negative 😟 so What do you guys think, please help 🙏
What I trade to say is that my last period was on September 23 that day my period came and it ended on September 28 and since then I have not had a period ... I am already 25 days late and only 1 We have been having relationships without protection for a month and it comes inside
@jarritos954 are your periods occasionally irregular? If not, your best bet is to see a doctor about it. It could be that you're one of those people who just don't get positive results from the urine test or it could be something more serious.
Yes, I am pensive because my period did not come, the last time it was on September 23 and in the month of October I did not get off and right now in November either and I did a test and it came out negative I wanted to know what you think