Is it wrong/unhealthy to gate my 1&1/2 year old to his own area of the house? I’m in his room all the time playing interacting etc. He can’t go anywhere except his room and the hallway (the bathroom door stays shut when not in use) my mom makes me feel awful but it’s for his safety and my boyfriend has a lot of technology and unsafe non kid friendly things around the house(they can’t just be “put up”)

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Your kiddo needs to explore. Homes are supposed to be made safe and kid proof so the child could roam. There's no way you can stop a child from getting into things that they're not supposed to. The baby needs to learn boundaries or he'll be confused while in a public setting on what's "not a toy." Accommodate for your baby; baby's needs/wants come before anyone elses
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
Your kid you can do whatever you want lmaoo I put a gate up and put the tv on and bam they chill for hrs with toys
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
The only thing you can do is kid proof. Move everything that you don't want broken up high. I understand keeping him out of certain rooms but it's really not good to keep him out of the main area. Kids like to be near others.
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
My husband has broken controllers that he gives the little bitty ones, they usually can't tell the difference. Plus we have warranties on a lot of it.
I would only seclude them to one room when they can't be supervised. Any other time, you need to baby proof and teach boundaries. Toddlers are relentless and will constantly test those boundaries but that is how they learn.
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you all for your honesty 😭❤️💯
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thanks everyone...sorry for the shock. I promise I’m a good mommy 😭 I just don’t know how to keep him from touching things that aren’t his. He laughs at me when I try to tell him not yours or don’t touch or no no. And the tantrum that follows me taking whatever object usually ends with me getting hit by him or an object OR he hurts himself.
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
Your gonna have to put everything away and I mean everything. You think it’s bad now wait until he’s a toddler. He’s gonna touch whatever he can until it’s broken lol so just put up the important stuff for a few years or locked in a special room and lay toys around for him to find I pritty much redecorated with toys when raising my 3 baby’s lol it’s a small yet large compromise we make as a parent lol
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
Tantrums are how kids test limits, so I could understand wanting to limit him to spaces where there's no need to remind him what he can and can't do. Parenting involves a lot of trial and error while also trying to keep sane. You reached out for advice and that's what any good mother would do.
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
You're not being a bad mom to put up a baby gate and to close him in his own personal space for appropriate time frames and needs to keep him safe. If you do it for extended periods of time or to be "lazy" then yes, that is bad. But while cooking, using the restroom, a shower, things like that, there's nothing wrong with it. My girls had a gate that kept them in their room with access to their bathroom that was used as needed. They were kept safe, learned boundaries, and I kept my sanity. Now they are 2.5 and almost 5 and no gate needed. Used the right way it's ok. But again don't let it be a "leave him in there" kind of thing bc that would not be ok. Baby gates are made for a reason. But do introduce him to things and start teaching him now what is ok and what is not ok to touch. His curiosity will eventually lead to lots of touching. So better to start teaching early. But to keep him safe employ the gate and see how that goes. We have a child safe, but not a child proofed home. Hugs mama! As one thing gets easier something else will get harder. But we will all make it through! Here's to safe and happy, healthy children!
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
No I definitely think he should be able to move around ! He will learn wat he can and can’t touch and stuff like that. My son gets to walk all around the house and I have a gate so he don’t go upstairs and all the cabinets are baby proof only think is he opens the doors to the bathroom and pantry and starts getting into it so now I need door locks lol 😂
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
24/7 no that’s abuse... have your boyfriend move out asap if he can’t make compromises Your child is not a dog he’s a child I can’t even comprehend this.. sorry
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
Is your boyfriends stuff in the dining room and living room? Or is the dining table in the kitchen (which I can understand would need to be sealed off for his protection)? My husband has a lot of tech stuff, but he limits it to his work desk and his side of the bed.
While I understand wanting to protect your child, your boyfriend is living with a toddler, after all. If it's not work related, he needs to reconsider what's worth keeping around if it means a child only being able to access 2 parts of his living space.
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
No table. He’s got a computer desk in the dining room (it’s an apartment) and the gaming stuff in the living room. I’ve tried letting my son wander he didn’t always have the gate I was just having to chase him around retrieving decor or controllers or keep him away from the sliding door blinds and such. He wouldn’t even touch his toys 😅
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
@taylor.bush29 if no one's using the controller, let him play with it, but remind him to be gentle. All my kids when they were babies/toddlers would go through phases where they NEEDED to have the controller in hand. Once you let them play with it, they get it out of their system and it's no longer this mysterious, forbidden object lol. My daughter would "help" play video games with the controller that wasnt on and they all had a blast.

ETA: at the end of the day, it's better to give your child space. Yeah, it sucks having to chase him around and remind him what he can and cant play with (my kids were fascinated with power cords for a week and that almost sent me to the nut house), but it's the only way he'll learn.
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
I don’t feel a child should be closed off to one room, he can learn boundaries. He should be able to wonder around supervised into the house. IMO
06.11.2020 Нравится Ответить
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