I'm about to have a breakdown. I need to finish cleaning up the house before my aunt gets home otherwise she bugs out and says I did nothing all day. This baby has been screaming to be held all day won't let me finish anything. Every time I turn around to clean he starts to cry again and screams so ear piercing that it makes you want to cry. My room looks like a tornado hit it because this is literally an everyday thing. It takes me all day just too clean the house because I'm stopping every 15 minutes to calm him down. And if I skip a day she flips out. I really can't do this anymore. Oh and today is the 7 month anniversary since my husband passed. So I'm just so aggravated in general.

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Damn reminds me of my mom. But she doesn’t do anything and her room you can barley walk in so I just laugh and walk away. There’s no one else you could live with?? I’m sorry about your husband. Have you tried section 8 at all?
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Take a deep breath momma. First I would like to say I'm sorry for you husband's passing. Second, why do you have to clean everyday? Your aunt won't understand you have a baby to care for? Also, is it possible for you to baby wear him?
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
No yesterday I didn't clean, only the kitchen and it was "you did nothing all day" I get up every morning get her kids ready for school and on the bus. Clean. Take care of the baby. Do her whole families laundry. Clean her room. Get her kids off the bus. Cook everyone dinner. Clean up after dinner. I just feel like I'm being taken advantage of at this point. The whole reason they offered for me to move in was so that they could help me while I get back on my feet. I was pregnant when he past. Even then I was doing everything. And ever since the baby was born they don't help with anything. I could be doing something for them and he'll start to scream and they just let him scream. I'm exhausted, I'm stressed, I'm aggravted, and I'm sad.
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I've tried baby wearing with him and it worked for a little bit but now he just screams in it unless I use it outside.
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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