I feel sad. I don’t know if it’s my mental or real. I just feel so ugly. I’m 13 wk postpartum csection, I have lost 32lbs since giving birth. I run 2-3 times a week 2-3miles. Go to the gym 3 times a wk work on strength. I’m much stronger and my muscle has increased. But I still have cellulite butt, look little saggy to me, ugly stretch mark boobs, poofy tummy. I know it takes time but I just wanna feel good instead of being disgusted when I look in the mirror. It wouldn’t be so bad if my SO would have sex with me or treat me like I’m pretty. I feel like he finds me unattractive. I had a baby was on bed rest most of it. Only gain 19 pounds during pregnancy. But pregnancy took a tole on me. I should be proud of my body it made a beautiful boy. But I just keep seeing pictures of all these woman that had babies and look great. I’m trying. I don’t eat bad or junk but I can not count calories or go on struck diet. But I make healthier choices and portions. It’s just making me depressed. I feel hopeless. My baby won’t let me put him down so I can’t cook or clean. I just feel worthless. I’ve been checked on before when I was perfect me. In past 2 marriages. I’m scared he’s going to. No hints or anything just my fears from my baggage. What do you do to help make yourself feel better. I’d like some encouragement maybe some pictures of other moms supporting me showing your mom body’s. I’m trying to be proud of my mom body it’s just hard. I’m struggling.
Firstly, take time to love yourself. Ur eating well and exercising. Both of these things help your mental wellbeing. Positive mindset is everything but I know it can be easier said than done. My body is something I’m struggling with and have been throughout my pregnancy. There is so much pressure in the media for people to be skinny and look good, pregnant or not pregnant. You look amazing! Speak to ur husband and tell him how u feel. He should then take action to reassure your anxieties.
Honesty you’re doing great. I won’t show you my mom body cuz it’s horrible lol. But I’m working on it as well. I think you’re being hard on yourself (we all do it) but losing 32 pounds is a big accomplishment. Be proud of that.!!!
You’re right. It takes time. It’s definitely one of those things that takes a lot of patience. But the results from all the hard work are worth it! Stick with it and don’t beat yourself up. And you gotta learn to stop comparing yourself to others. What you see on Instagram is not how people look 24/7... Just know that everyone is insecure about something. You’re not alone in feeling that way. Just be kind to yourself, stay focused on your goals and crush them! You’ll get where you wanna be, just gotta be patient ❤️
I have been a runner for 4 years and go to the gym 4 days a week and I have the most perfect ass and legs and consulted a doctor about my tummy and was told I will never get rid of it unless I have surgery. I have learned to love it 😂😂😂 I think you look beautiful.
Be kind to yourself. I know it's hard not to seek validation from your partner, but you have to be happy and complete in yourself. You're already doing the things you need to in order to be healthy. Keep up the exercise, continue to eat healthy. The results will come with time and consistency. And for what it's worth, you ARE beautiful. 💕
I look the same!!! I used to be gorgeous now i’m also full of marks! don’t feel bad I hear the marks go away with time and thats all we can do! will send you a picture of me later. I think you look much better then me darling! At the end of the day its all worth it bringing our little angels in the world 💕
You are always a perfect you. I hate that you feel that way. As many women do. It takes a full year before your body is healed back to normal. So don’t get too caught up in your body because you did just perform a miracle! Believe it or not, your hormones will be all over the place, I’m 9m pp and still dealing with that🙈. Have you talked with your husband ? Let him know how you feel ?
17.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
Don't be so hard on yourself you don't look bad you look like what I'm sure u were before pregnancy. Pray on it everything will turn out fine for you. Remember it's okay for the baby to cry sometimes. I have to keep that in mind myself from carrying my daughter all day. I learn to compromise with the baby swing baby bouncer she gotta learn she won't be carried everytime. You do better then me for excercise I just stop drinking soda completely. Eat more greens and walk all day for daily routines. So far I've lost 20 lbs. Good luck keep up the good work!
You look good girl continue to work out and eat right and trust me once you get your body back right you'll Be so confident nothing bothers you. Don't compare yourself to everybody is that's where dissapointment comes . When I have my baby my goal is to work on my body period. Good luck and can't wait to see results. Also try detox water and green tea .