Hi ladies, I’ve been breast feeding(pumping) for about two weeks now and substituting formula at night for my daughter but I’m noticing my milk production has gone down a bit. I drink mothers tea and eat lactation cookies and I’m not noticing any difference in production. Do you ladies have any tips on how to be successful at breastfeeding it’s becoming overwhelming now. I didn’t want to depend on formula again and it looks like I’m going to have to if my milk doesn’t come out how it was in the first week.
Stop using formula. You’re telling your body to make less milk. Supply is based on demand and if you’re bottle feeding your baby and not pumping then your body won’t know that it needs to produce more. Just nurse nurse nurse! Like every hour if you have to.
The more u breastfeed the more milk u produce. U can increase how much u breast feed to pick it back up also do a lot of skin to skin (bare). I have even pumped with my baby on my chest before. But once u slack on the amount ur body slows down.