@mhbb3 I might do that, I just feel like I'm not producing enough because when I pump I only pump 1oz and I see mom's who will pump like an entire bottle in one sitting so idk. I have anxiety for no reason a lot of the time lol
@rainbowbaby1029 You may not even have an issue at all. If baby is having enough diapers, gaining and satisfied dont worry. Your body was built to do this. If you need more reassurance you can see a lactation consultant. They will weigh baby before and after he eats to ease your mind.
@mhbb3 I am pumping, not everytime I feed him because I always forget to sterilize the pump before I sit down to feed him. He does feed as often and as long as he wants, but he only feeds for like 10 minutes every hour.
Thank you hun, I think my biggest issue is what and how much I eat,
Are you breastfeeding or just pumping? Do you have a good pump like medela?
Easily: Put baby to breast as much as they want as long as they want, and then pump after. Lots of water and a healthy diet full of healthy fats.
If you are ebf your body and baby know what to do and will adjust accordingly. Women often think they have supply issues but true supply issues are rare.
If you are pumping only or building a stash, the more milk removed the more your body will make. So increasing pumping time and frequency of pumping will help but can also create over supply.
As a last resort, if there is a true supply issue your ob can prescribed medication such as reglan.