Canada, Maple Ridge
I’m a 30 yr old stay at home mom with three little ones. I have 3 yr old twin girls and a baby boy!


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Does anyone know how much Costco sells that giant doll house for?
del_1569898359_seacabo An easy web search revealed this
beakymcspence This is the only one they carried in stock in our Alberta locations.
melodylayne That’s the one thanks I thought it was more expensive
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Vancouver is crazy expensive and we can’t get ahead here. Thinking of heading to Edmonton. Anyone from the area have any pros and cons they can share?
iamwhoiam124 I moved from Edmonton to b.c almost 5 years ago. My brother is still out there. It's
megand15 Ab is pretty expensive too. My friend lives in st Albert and really likes it. Weather is
chrisdub This is such a tricky situation to be in—and it is one I have grappled with too.
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Stranger danger... when do you think is the right age to start discussions? My girls are almost 3 and very smart, but very outgoing with everyone! I don’t want to do it too soon and effect them negatively.
sabrinab95 Maybe around school age so that they will understand better. Because you don’t want them to be
messybunmom I think now is the right time. A lot of nightmares come from kids walking off with
bw4b When I talked to my 3 yr old and almost 5 yr old I told them that
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Heading on a long road trip with almost 3 yr old twins. Making a list of what to bring to keep them busy during the drive.also one of them likes to get car sick :( Any recommendations?
beakymcspence Our SUV has DVD players and I find it makes our kids more car sick 🙄 @megand15,
samanthalynnshaw21 Favorite snacks, new toys (dollar store) magnets and a cookie tray, portable DVD player and shows, books
iamwhoiam124 Music! My girl does the best with music.
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