What does everyone else think about a 17-18 year old being in a sexual relationship with a 14-15 year old?

I've found this out about someone I've been friends with for over 7 years, I don't agree with it and was disgusted to find out Apparently I'm over reacting?

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@kerry26_92 @sara-lou86 @chesscalouise2 @beffgoude

I know as a adult when we are all over 18, a 3 year age gap doesn't mean much but when I think back to when I was 17-18 I was settled down making a family with a man and had my own home and baby, planning baby number 2, so I find it odd that someone else can be that age and still be having sex with a school girl because at those years of age even though 3 years doesn't sound alot I know it's a big difference mentally and physically I know your not fully grown at 14/15 and I know you are by 18, I know a 18 year old can have a full time job buy fags alcohol and go clubbing have their own car and home yet their gf will be getting ready for school every day so where your both as in life is completely different then you have to question did this man ever grow out of finding 14/15 year olds attractive or is he still like that because I honestly never got that impression from him that's why I'm so shocked it was a suprise to find out his last relationship prior to the gf he has at the moment was with a minor! It's just that in my experience men that like young girls don't generally ever stop liking young girls it's like a mental illness ( I was a victim ) so I talk from experience xx
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's what I mean by we all knew someone or was someone with an older bf @beffgoude and most didn't think of it. My best friend at 13 had a bf who was 18 and I knew that was wrong. He should have known that was wrong. It's not ruined her life but I still look back and think... She was only 13 and technicaly that was rape. I personally thought he was a looser. But as a young naive girl, she thought he was amazing and cool because he was older. Life isn't white and black but these young men should be really be aware that it is wrong. I guess they are predators in a way. As harsh as sounds. 13/14 is a child.
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
im with beffgoude on this one .. i my self was in a relationship which turned out to be a abusive took me a while to get away. Was only 15 at the time he was 21 well thats what he told me , in the end it turned out he was 28 an i was disgusted with myself.. Some were in my brain i wish id of listened to keep away but then i wouldnt have my oldest daughter whos absolutely nothing like him. He will soon get bored of the younger ones an the person involved will be heartbroke cos they think its love. An as for his mum saying its fine its totally not fine at all its underage xx
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
In fairness it is only 2 years but I don't think anyone over the age of 16 should be having sex with someone under 16 if there "in love" sex can wait until shes 16
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Speaking as someone who has been this girl, had the boyfriend waiting for me after school etc and now as an adult regret my past, I can guarantee that she'l just be smitten that he's older and it's not actual "love". I lost my virginity very young and I would say it was the catalyst that sent me down a dark past of older lads, who were very controlling and it was a hard mistake I had to learn. But at that age I knew best and wouldn't listen to anything but I really wish looking back that someone had stopped these relationships for me.
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Shes not even legal !!
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
When we were at school I bet we all had a friend or knew someone who was dating an older guy. I had a couple friends. They think it's cool. Even when I was young I knew those 18yrs+ guys were creeps if they were dating 13/14yr olds. Get a gf their own age. When we're 18+ it's different. Age is not an issue. He should know to stay away until she's of legal age.
11.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
NO NO NO!! Just no! She/ he is underage and the other person is not! I would kick fuck out this person had it been my daughter or son the under age person regardless to whether they say yes! It’s called jail sentence
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you were asking my opinion on a 18-19 year old being in a sexual relationship with 21-22 year old, is be like 🤷‍♀️ and what? But this is bloody disgusting!!! We all know there are girls who have underage sex, but this is just wrong! I don't blame you for acting the way you have! She's literally a little girl! There's 7 years between me and my partner, I was 17 when I met him and even at 17 my dad did a background check on him to make sure he wasn't a weirdo! AND hr was made to go to lunch with my parents before he could even see me! If I was 14 when I got with him, you could guarantee my mum and dad would've locked me in the house and killed him 🙈
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lovemyboys8 I totally agree! It's just shocked me so much how you can think you know somebody and trust them I thought he was a honest person it's actually the complete opposite, his mum justifying it just blow my mind aswel like what mum thinks that's okay wtf is wrong with people! I'd question my son even being friends with a 14-15 year old girl let alone in a relationship with one it's icky to say the least! Xx
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@k720, Read my private message I sent you. I would advise you to keep away.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kayteamay He said it was different I don't understand I wasn't there? But isn't that what they all say! I just can't believe it! 🤮 I feel sick to think I've been friends with him well we all have for almost 8 years now and never know this like if I knew when we all met him id not of been friends with him! Like wtf! Xx
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lovemyboys8 I've known him for over 7 years and didn't know this! I never thought of him in that way, so I was really shocked, I said that it makes me question our whole friend ship to of never known a thing like that about him, he's such a close friend to my family and I had no idea, he had spoken about the "relationship" tho just never told me before how young she was, I basically called him a pervert was really upset by it and disappointed he went and told his mum what I said and her response is that it's nothing to do with me!? So I guess she thinks it's okay, then I had to question everything like does he still like school girls ect and I've been littreally hanging out with him! Like omg! It scared me how you can think you know people yet you clearly bloody don't and I'm not aloud to be shocked by that wtf xx
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
You aren’t over reacting at all.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
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