What does everyone else think about a 17-18 year old being in a sexual relationship with a 14-15 year old?
I've found this out about someone I've been friends with for over 7 years, I don't agree with it and was disgusted to find out Apparently I'm over reacting?
I know as a adult when we are all over 18, a 3 year age gap doesn't mean much but when I think back to when I was 17-18 I was settled down making a family with a man and had my own home and baby, planning baby number 2, so I find it odd that someone else can be that age and still be having sex with a school girl because at those years of age even though 3 years doesn't sound alot I know it's a big difference mentally and physically I know your not fully grown at 14/15 and I know you are by 18, I know a 18 year old can have a full time job buy fags alcohol and go clubbing have their own car and home yet their gf will be getting ready for school every day so where your both as in life is completely different then you have to question did this man ever grow out of finding 14/15 year olds attractive or is he still like that because I honestly never got that impression from him that's why I'm so shocked it was a suprise to find out his last relationship prior to the gf he has at the moment was with a minor! It's just that in my experience men that like young girls don't generally ever stop liking young girls it's like a mental illness ( I was a victim ) so I talk from experience xx