I missed my last two week appointments because we were evacuated from the hurricane. My due date is on Wednesday and they can’t get me in until Tuesday. I haven’t been checked at all yet and have been having some off and on pains but they aren’t getting closer together or anything. I’ve had diarrhea and already lost my mucus plug awhile ago. Would you go into the hospital to get checked or just wait it out? I haven’t even had my blood pressure or anything checked since 37 weeks.

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@disfanlaur, oh no 😪 the blessing is you’re so close to your due date so baby’s all baked and getting ready! I hope they can keep your blood pressure down.. update us as you go hun. I’ll be praying for you two 💙🤞🏼
22.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mama.kay, I came in and my blood pressure was extremely high 😔 they’re doing tests and monitoring me
22.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would go to l&d to get checked. It’s always better safe than sorry and that little bun can come any second!! If you go keep us updated. Don’t ever second guess yourself on getting checked out 💙 I hope everyone is safe and sound from that horrible storm!
21.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@yayacarrington, that’s a good idea. I developed pre-eclampsia suddenly with my son so it kinda freaks me out. I’ll run up to Walgreens and see if I can find a machine
21.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
You can check your blood pressure at most pharmacies. Unless you are worried about something in particular, I think you can wait. I hope your home and your family made it through the storm safely.
21.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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