Shawna Trujillo
Shawna Trujillo
Help me😭 my son is 14 years old. He struggles in school a lot not friend wise I mean everything school work wise and gets in trouble a lot. This year we kept him home to get him away from his friends so we have him going to k-12. I thinks it’s cool to have him home with me. But he just broke my heart saying when he turns 18 he is going to kill him self:( I just started crying and can’t comprehend what he just said and I understand why he says that:( he thinks he is so stupid and can’t learn or understand anything. People and kids have called him stupid because he is in resource😭I don’t know what to do and I’m scared for my sons life

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My 16 year old son has an IEP. I can relate to you and am here if you need to talk.
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
1st welcome to k12 im also a k12 mom 2nd his anger will go away soon dont worry when he sees how he will out pass all those kids in school he will see how smart he is
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Let me tel you mama keeping him home just might be the best thing that ever happens to him. I was homeschooled and it was THE BEST thing to ever happen to me aside from my son. My grades sky rocketed my behavior improved EVERYTHING improved SO much. I was and still am HORRIBLE at math and it actually gives me anxiety at the thought of having to do any kind of math, but I passed my math exit exam with flying colors. Just give it some time mama
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
First, realize that he said that from a place of anger and frustration. I'm not saying that he isn't serious about it, him saying it WAS serious and a cry for help. Sit down with him when you are not emotional and ask him to explain why he said what he did, and try to find out exactly why he feels the way he does. Get him into counseling, and I are work pp that you should look into an activity for him to do, like sports, band, theatre, etc. Anything he shows an interest in.
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Awh momma, my heart goes out to you! I cant imagine! Its my biggest fear!! I know you didnt ask for advice but I would suggest putting him in an acitivity to socialize him and get his frustrations out with life. If he has a hobby in dance, art, music, guitar, football.. Ect there tends to be more of a purpose for kids. It's hard being a teenager and even harder with todays society.
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
i was in the same classes. ur son saying that to you i would look into counseling for him. my oldest brother tried ending his life several times and we got him into counseling and it helped him out a lot
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
We used to use the k12 program and loved it so I hope he will too. I am sorry that he said that. I would reach out to his online teacher and ask if they have a counselor with the staff that he can talk to about this. I’d look into counseling also. It is such a difficult age to get through but if you help him find someone to work through his feelings with, he will find some healthier ways to express his emotions. I’m sure that was hard to hear but I think that the fact he told you is a good sign because now you can get him some help through this. 💜
30.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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