Rebekah Richardson
My sister in law said she’ll throw a baby shower for us when we come home next month but that we probably won’t get a very good turn out since most people don’t have 2 baby showers. Would it be weird to have a second baby considering it’s the same gender? We moved and got rid of all of our old baby stuff to make the move easier. So we could really use the shower to help us out cause we’ve been hurting for cash a lot.
5.7 лет

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Have a second baby shower and enjoy it!! People will show. I come from a huge family and it doesn’t matter if it’s your 1st or 4th baby or if it’s the same gender as a previous child. We celebrate each new addition to our family. Each new baby gets a baby shower. It’s not just about the parents.

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I have to have a 2nd baby shower I had my 1st almost 13 years ago I have nothing now at all lol I need any help from family/friends that I can get!

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Have a second baby shower and enjoy it!! People will show. I come from a huge family and it doesn’t matter if it’s your 1st or 4th baby or if it’s the same gender as a previous child. We celebrate each new addition to our family. Each new baby gets a baby shower. It’s not just about the parents.

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I don't go to second showers. A baby shower is for the parents, not the baby... It's to help get you started. BUT, if your sister in law wants to throw you one... Then I'd let her, I guess.

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My first is around your sons age, I had a baby shower with him and got rid of every thing to get him bigger items. I am having another boy and had another shower. I has about the same amount of people come (which was not very many) and didn't get very many gifts, but it certainly did help. I have had to rebuy most things and I have gotten mostly every thing from facebook Marketplace. Just gotta keep a constant look out for good stuff and buy as you see it.

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