ParaGard vs Mirena??

Which should I get? Any suggestions? Leaning towards ParaGard bc of no hormones but worried about the extra bleeding and cramping... any success stories with it??

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Jendz. I mentioned condoms to my DH this week and he looked at me funny .... after like 9 yrs of not using them.... I don’t think he even knows how to use them anymore! I’m going to ask doctor about low hormone type birth control. If it wasn’t dangerous for me to get pregnant I wouldn’t be so worried about it :/
21.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
21.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Good for you, meesh. Even with all of our difficulties, I'm not taking any chances over here.

My husband bought his first box of condoms in probably a decade this week. ?
21.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Soleil, I’ve thought about this too for afterwards but have decided that I’m going to take my chances. It took nearly 6yrs for me to get here and it couldn’t have happened without medical intervention for me due to an autoimmune issue.Otherwise I’d probably consider a non-hormonal type of IUD or take something more predictable like the pill. Other options are things like the patch or NuvaRing. They have hormones but are similar to that of the pill.
20.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have a mirena after our first son, took it out after 4 years or so to have another baby, and conceived the twins after a few months of trying.
I have a Kyleena in place now, also 5 years but the hormones are much lower then the mirena (so I do get a monthly spotting, but I suffer from migraines, so this was a better choice for me)
I'm a sonographer in a private ob/gyn office and majority of women who choose to go with paragard bc it's hormone free typically come back in and choose to change it to a mirena bc of the pain and the irregular and heavy bleeding. But cases vary based on how your body adjusts to it, I always went with hormone.
19.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m having a repeat c section on 3/26 and will be getting the mirena again as soon as I can but like I said I had a good experience. My husband is planning on getting a vasectomy as well but we will see when that happens with deployment coming up it could be awhile.
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Wow ladies you all have such interesting stories... I also did fertility treatments (meesh knows) so I’m a bit worried about putting more hormones in my body but also worried about having lots of bleeding and monthly cramping with the ParaGard. What are you guys using now for birth control ( or plan on using in the near future) . I’m scared of getting pregnant too soon since my twins are 10 weeks and I had a c section plus a few other fixes I’ve been told it’s dangerous . DH and I just started to fool around so I’m kinda playing with fire the last few weeks and a bit worried. Even though it took us 5 years to have these babies with two years of fertility treatments, all the doctors told us to be very careful because we can get pregnant naturally a lot easier now... and I’ve seen tons of stories on here of the sort ! I’m not sure if I want any more kids, we still have one frozen embryo... but I certainly wouldn’t rule it out . Maybe in a few years I may want to try again... who knows . For now I just don’t want to do anything that would hurt me or cause me to have to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons :/ after so many years ttc, I can’t imagine having to go through that type of loss
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I really liked mirena! I had my mirena for 5+ years (3 different ones) And had it removed... at 8 months ttc I found out I didn't ovulate.... And the next cycle my doctor started me on 50 mg of Clomid... took it cd 5-9.... positive opk cd 14, had ewcm, tons of cramps, bloating and acne during that time, got pregnant with my TRIPLETS! And when they were 5.5 months old I found out I was pregnant with my littlest... first month ttc! Second pp period.... And it took me a year to get pregnant with my oldest before I had ever even been on birth control....
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I got the mirena placed at 8 weeks after my c section. No problems at all with breastfeeding, I actually had an over supply problem for several months. No impact from the mirena. I had no weight changes from the mirena and had no periods while I had it for four years. I did bleed for a few months straight after it was removed. Had to take some medication to stop that period but was told it’s normal after having the mirena placed for so long. We conceived a year after I had it removed. I have pcos and had fertility problems anyway, we did six cycles of clomid and conceived on the sixth cycle.
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Before TTCing I used the Mirena and had no issues with it at all. However, since removing it and undergoing a nearly 6yr journey to conceive, with several losses in between, I’ve since learned that it can negatively impact fertility for some women and that there have been class action lawsuits filed.

If you’d like to have more children in the future I would caution against the Mirena. Not all women have issues with getting pregnant after removing it, but I’d hate to have you fall into the few that do.
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
No, I used nfp to prevent pregnancy.
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@jandrews when did u get it and were you breastfeeding? I’m still breastfeeding and babies are 10 weeks
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@magaren did you replace it with ParaGard?
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was the opposite I loved the mirena and had absolutely zero side effects or problems with it. Very individual experiences based on our bodies.
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had the mirena and hated it. It tanked my milk supply and played havoc with my emotions. It was worse than the pill as far as that goes.
18.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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