Kathleen Clark
Kathleen Clark
Good morning ladies! I figured I would come say hello and give an update. Well I finally got a backup / replacement chair yesterday. Because like I thought insurance will not fix my chair because I'm hospice. To fix it out of pocket would be two grand. So at least they gave me this one they use I guess. It's a learning curve as always with a different chair. So haven't really got to do anything to fun with the kids other than watch movies and veg out. But health-wise I'm doing okay. My anxiety attacks are becoming more frequent. But other than that I'm doing good. DD is especially excited that Mommy can get out of bed again. So hopefully this weekend we can go to the pool or the park. We have my niece's birthday party Saturday so that should be fun. DS is doing great. I swear he's learning new words everyday. And it feels like he saves them just for me to hear first. I know that's probably not it most likely the only one that understands him. But I like think he saved them for Mommy! I am doing their birthday cards. I'm up to 12 years old and 8. But I'm running into a problem. I kind of feel like I don't know what to say. Because I won't know what their personalities are going to be like so I feel like I'm just repeating to myself. And I don't want them to think it's corny so I just don't want to be on repeat. But me and it's hard. I really decided I need to buckle down fight through the tears and get all their stuff done. I'm so far so good. Now I just need to find a way why don't sound so lame. LOL open to suggestions

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Much love to you. ❤️
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
13.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
What if you tell them about things you would've like to do with that at that age (maybe sweet 16) but didn't get a chance to. I don't think you could ever go wrong with simply reminding them that you love them and always will even if you are no longer earthside. My heart breaks for you. It really does. 💕
12.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Maybe you could give them a line of advice based on the age they’re at? Or think back to things you enjoyed at those ages, maybe books you liked to read and give them some suggestions or goals to reach by their next birthday.
Thank you for the update, I’m glad you’re feeling better 🌼
12.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I've been thinking about you and your family. Thank you for an update. ❤
12.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I been following your story since bb I’m really sad I pray for a miracle i’m sorry you have to face this have you ever consider like a holistic treatment like change your diet and go all green smoothies just water maybe essential oils I know is hard I just thing sometimes it doesn’t hurt to try other things there is this blog is called it has a lot of advice and lots of testimonies of people stage four cancer that have beat the cancer after everything else fail I just think that I should let you know that there are other alternatives and in my opinion it doesn’t hurt good luck and I’m sorry if my advise bother you God bless you and your family🙏
12.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I like @ek620 idea too. Silly stories and funny things you did at those ages I think would be perfect. The time and effort your spending leaving your mark for your babies to keep and treasure is amazing! Especially with how exhausted you must be feeling. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say you are nothing but inspirational. The fact that you put in all this effort for them just to let them know how much you love them will be the most special memory they will have of you. ❤
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
They would know you loved them! They would also get to know you through these letters and anything else you leave them. You’ll be leaving them you....your heart, your thoughts, your memories, desires for their lives, letting them know how proud you are of them, teaching them where they come from, family lineage, and a permanent reminder that you NEVER wanted to leave them. They will be able to cherish this forever.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
They wouldn't think you were repeating yourself, I like the idea of the recorded cards. You are so strong and this is so freaking heart breaking I pray for a miracle I'm not even strong enough to get through your post. God damn this is just so sad! I just can't... I'm hurting
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ek620, I was think this too, I think they would like to hear about funny, silly Mom facts about you. I know I would. Op I your so strong and such a beautiful person 🤗
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
There is no way they will think the cards and letters are corny. I will always cherish my mom's words long after she is gone. Write/say what is in your heart at that moment. You are an amazing momma for doing this for your babies. Your strength is astounding to me... I'm sure there are plenty of tears and sadness as you do this, but the resulting memories for your kids are priceless.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Happy u got on with an update. I’ve been thinking of u. I love @ek620, idea. Share memories about u when u were their ages. I think that would be really cool.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ek620 @kitkat-1987 That's what I was going to say. Let them learn more about you.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ek620 good idea! Thank you so much
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@shayybear thank you so much but I don't think I'm doing anything different then the other mama would do.😁 just really want them to know I love them and I have and will always do everything for them
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Maybe you could share some memories you have from that age or that birthday? That way they can learn a little about you/your childhood. 💜
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I plan to do videos for advice and big stages. That's my next project as soon as I get the cards done.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Maybe some advice on the stage of life they’d be in. Peer pressure, friends, school, first love, etc. Or maybe that would be too heavy for a birthday card, but maybe it could be in a separate letter. Glad to see a good update. I think of you often.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Imo I think just hearing your voice would put a smile on their face, even if it's the same silly recording.
I admire how strong you are KitKat.
11.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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