@ladyfreyja, possibly! My doctor said they might be able to turn baby b after baby a comes out but that doesn’t make me feel too sure. So there’s the risk you have baby a vaginal and baby b csection which sounds pretty awful. She said you can have baby b breech if it’s the smaller of the two babies but currently baby b is larger.
@ohnstadk, so cool you got to see them! And so awesome they are so big. It makes me kind of sad mine are so small but I’ve tried so hard to eat tons of protein and up my intake with no luck. We were very happy with the growth since the last ultrasound though!! They had both been breech until this ultrasound so I’m glad one turned. Baby b’s head is in my ribs and has been for a long time. Feels awesome 😋
I’m doing ok. I have developed sleep apnea which is making me completely miserable. My feet and ankles are swelling a ton. My doctor filled out the paperwork for me to get short term disability from work until I have them so I really hope it gets approved. How are you doing??