Monique Murehead
Ugh its sad I cant even be happy or say anything about my pregnancy to my family because they are not happy i am pregnant again. I am so done with them putting me down and acting like that take care of my kids and that they are not going to help me when they dont even help me when i actually need it and ask. They complain when they get them thing and i didnt even ask for and say it is a gift that they wanted to get it then turn around and say that they had to get it for my girls. That or they say they always have my girls when they ask me to take them places and drive them and complain that they never get a break or if we stay away they come to us asking whats wrong or asking us to come over. I just cant win and dont care to any more.
5.9 лет

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We’re your family ❤️

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I understand the back and forth manipulation. I work full time and my mother said she wanted to watch the girls from the start. I hate that I can't always leave when my time is up and it's a big issue sometimes. My girls have things bought for them or they are taken places and I miss out on all of that. I'm grateful to them but I hear about it too or if one child was particularly difficult one day. I can't win either.

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@jessicasanchez Thank you.

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We’re your family ❤️

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@mhbbb2 like i said i cant win with them.

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@mhbbb2 I have done that too and that started big fight with them saying i was too good to take things from them or who is telling me not to take it and i am being brain washed.

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Maybe you should not accept ANYTHING from them. Then they have nothing to hold over you.

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@mhbbb2 I have and it just like talking to the wall or they say ok they are sorry then turn around and do the same thing.

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@lost.sock.thief they have never been happy anytime i was pregnant so i should know better but wish i could be happy about it with them.

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Tell them this. Tell them you feel they buy and do things for your family so they can lord it over you.

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You’re a grown ass woman and they need to butt out it’s not their place to say 🤷🏻‍♀️
I could see maybe if you had like 10 kids living in poverty them saying some shit but that’s not the case soo 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you can provide mentally and financially then it’s none of their business to intervene

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