Girls I need to vent kus pregnancy has my hormones everywhere rn. I swear it feels like my sister in law is throwing it in my face that she’s getting married. I’m just commonly law married with my baby daddy. She came over the other day & asked if my daughter had a dark green dress for the wedding. I told her no but I’ll find one. Then she was telling me how she was supposed to get married on my birthday but changed it to the day before kus our mother in law paid for it. I was like ok but why this week tho? But whatever. Then she starts saying that her dad is gonna walk our mother in law down the aisle & our stepfather in law is gonna walk her mom down the aisle but since they changed it last minute she said MY HUSBAND is the back up to walk her mom down the aisle. Like I know it sounds like I’m a bad person rn but like I said my hormones are crazy rn. My husband tried to get out of it but she said he has to do it. She has other brothers too. Anyways, last night I bought my daughter a dress off Amazon & five minutes later she texts me “does she have a maroon dress instead?” So I had to cancel the order & overdraft my account more so I could get her a maroon dress. I had this red dress I wanted to wear and she was like “that means you slept with the groom” so my husband bought me a dress in the color blue this morning so I could try it out. She’s wearing a black wedding dress so I can’t wear black. I’m just so annoyed with the wedding this weekend. Yeah I know I’m a horrible person for making this post. To be fair we didn’t even know our daughter was gonna be a flower girl until Sunday & finding her size is so hard kus she’s chunky.
How has plan B affected your period? I took a plan b on Sept 4th. I got some spotting/light bleeding on the 13th-15th. Is that considered my period? I’m 5 days late & negative pregnancy tests. I’m hoping it just pushed back my period a week late. I thought I started my period this morning but turned out to be just a dream.
My period is all messed up. I think I missed last month lol. My last period was June 29-July 4. Does that count as my July period as well? I’m not concerned about being pregnant. I took a test & it was negative.
caffeinequeen. No. Should of had one the end of July or into august depends when you ovaulate and
My 7 year old is going to be 8 in October. She’s gonna be in 3rd grade. Her school offers cheerleading. She said she’s interested if it’s available for her grade. My question is: does she have to be in gymnastics also? Any cheap places near Dallas Tx? TIA
momgroupreject For cheer through the school gymnastics isn’t required! It’s more for team building, etc. you could def
Having a long week 🥺 currently waiting on texas husky rescue to come pick up this husky we found months ago. We tried to get ownership from the microchip company after the owners never contacted us to get her back but sadly our trailer community doesn’t allow huskies to live here. I’ve been wanting to break down crying. The office received complaints that she’s noisy & I’ve been doing everything I can to keep her quiet. I’ve tried looking for a loving family but it looks like she might go to the rescue. I am not okay.