Dd went down for a nap at 10am, wakes up at 11 burning up, lethargic, and tugging on her ears. 100.8 fever.
Лучший комментарий
Don't freak, it's the body's way of fighting the infection. Fevers are actually a good thing sometimes. If her temperature reaches 101, give her some Tylenol. Otherwise, let her body do its job and strength it's immune system. Make sure she gets plenty of fluids (I don't know if you said her age) formula/ breast milk/ water depending on her age and keep her cool. She'll be okay!
02.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
That's actually pretty standard advice. They don't get more aggressive about treating u less the fever has been more than 3 days or over 103. Fevers are a natural way to fight off illness. If it's really bothering her you give her some Tylenol to make her moe comfortable.
01.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Fevers are not bad. That's your body fighting infection. Above 104 you have to worry.
I would personally love that the doc didn't jump to antibiotics. They are over prescribed and do so much damage to the immune system.
01.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
? they didn't give any sort of medicine for the fever and symptoms??? Can you get a second opinion or even just get to a pharmacist to help you find something to help poor baby?