1. My name is Hollie
2. I'm 30 years old
3. I've been married for almost 12 years
4. I am pregnant with baby number 4, though it's my 5th pregnancy... I have 2 boys, 1 girl, and am expecting my second girl!!
5. I am proudly Pagan (which surprisingly bothers a lot of people) and have been for more than 15 years.
6. I have super insane foresight and intuition and often do various types of readings for people, including casting astrological natal charts.
7. I enjoy creating things, and I'm especially into crocheting and sewing right now...
8. My favorite color is Purple.
9. I'm one of the biggest nerds I know I LOVE to read and love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings/the Hobbit, Star Wars, Anime (especially anything from Miyazaki) and tons of other "nerd stuff"...
10. I love animals and nature and can't tolerate to see either abused, disrespected, or mistreated in any way...