I need some advice for my son. He constantly gets stomach pains and diarrhea but no fever at least 3 or 4 times a month. Nothings changed in his diet and this has been going on for a longgg time, probably since October. He cries in pain, wakes up in the middle of the night from the pain and I have no idea what to do because I just don't think this is normal. His doctor won't seem to listen to me or maybe isn't understanding what I'm trying to tell her. Does this sound like something I should continue to push, should I get a second opinion, or is it really nothing to worry about. He's at the point now where he tells me his belly hurts and for the past almost 2 weeks all his poop has been straight liquid diarrhea. I just keep getting told it's a "virus". He barely wants to eat also but seems to be drinking okay. He had surgery for Pyloric Stenosis if that matters at all but that was almost 2 years ago.

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Take him to an allergist to see what foods he may be allergic to. Some times they can be allergic to soy and wheat as well. Also it takes a month to get rid of any trace of cows milk. Theres traces of milk in a lot of premade things like, cookies, fruit snacks, nuggets, candies etc.
21.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@scc2413, i’ve noticed a lot of doctors will not even bother with food intolerances maybe it’s due to making more money on more medicine I don’t know. But I do know that lactose tolerance goes hand-in-hand with celiac or gluten intolerance. My niece simply has a gluten intolerance so when she has it her stomach cramps really bad and she also has behavioral issues. For me it was cramping bloating and constant bathroom trips. And anyone can develop an allergy or Anytime, It doesn’t have to be hereditary. Dr honestly needs to rule out things and narrow it down. Maybe you could keep a food diary and start there
21.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@morganmommy79 i was just going to suggest a dairy allergy.
21.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
@morganmommy79 that's honestly more help then his doctor has been. He does have a dairy protein allergy so we try to avoid dairy all together and he drinks soy milk but even on days when he has absolutely no dairy it still happens so I don't think it's that. I was thinking a food allergy too but I'm not allergic to anything and neither is his dad so we don't know what it feels like/looks like and when people explain it to us it's like....he's not even 2 yet, he can tell me when something hurts but not like a 10 year old will if that makes sense. I just feel like his doctor isn't understanding how often this happens.
21.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
It sounds to me like a food/dairy/gluten intolerance. I did that when I was a child my stomach would cramp so bad I would scream and I would have diarrhea a lot. As an adult I was diagnosed with celiac and I changed my eating habits for year While I was pregnant and all of that went away. I was tested again for celiac and it was negative and they think maybe the pregnancy helped with that. But I’ve noticed now that I’m eating gluten again I’m still bloated, crampy, and going to the bathroom more than I should probably. Have him checked for a good and intolerance or wheat intolerance Or try cutting it out yourself but it can get tricky as it is hidden in a lot of things
21.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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