So I have ever a close friend/coworker who hates that I call my son Bubba as a nickname. His name is Peyton but my daughter started to call him that instead of brother (cause she is almost2) and it stuck. Also gets annoyed at the fact that I pronounce Peyton without emphizing the ton (t part mostly) in his name. Anyone have a nickname for there kid (s) that people can't stand? How do you respond without being bitchy about it.

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I call my girl booboo and I guess someone in my fiancé's family is nicknamed booboo. I just said well she's my daughter and she's my booboo. And then people went on about her being an accident. No. My girl was planned and I just happened to call her booboo and it stuck.
08.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's what I call my little guy and he isn't here yet. His name will be cyrus. Everyone in the family hates cyrus. I let them know it's a good thing he's coming out my vagina and not theirs :) i couldn't careless. Like thank goodness he's my son and not yours...:) lol
08.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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