Tammy Vien
Hey mama’s any of you make your own baby food? If so, any recommendations, suggestions or advice? I’m a FTM and will be returning to work soon.

We are also looking into getting him a high chair..
6.3 лет

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I do. We’ve done bananas, avocados and peas. You don’t have to cook the bananas and avocados. We just purée those and add a little of formula or water to it. I bought frozen organic peas and cook and then purée those. I plan to do the same thing with butternut squash next week. Make sure you wait 3-5 days in between introducing new foods to rule out allergies

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You can but I use a kitchen aid food chopper. It has the option to purée

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@mommaofjais, that’s is awesome. Do you use just a regular blender to purée them?

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I do. We’ve done bananas, avocados and peas. You don’t have to cook the bananas and avocados. We just purée those and add a little of formula or water to it. I bought frozen organic peas and cook and then purée those. I plan to do the same thing with butternut squash next week. Make sure you wait 3-5 days in between introducing new foods to rule out allergies

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