@amouryaya09, I will check tomorrow! But yes it’s awful. It makes me sad poor baby is in so much discomfort. After I helped her right now I gave her some grape water (which I didn’t know was a thing) so hoping she will sleep for a while. She kept us up all night I couldn’t figure it out till I helped her and she slept on my chest right after
@ttowler1993, it should! It’s a terrible waiting game but the doctor could probably suggest something for you to use. They don’t do soy formula anymore? I was on wic last year and they had enfamil soy
@ttowler1993, okay my son had the same problem when he was a newborn. He had to be on soy formula. If anything I would call her pediatrician tomorrow. I ended up just waiting it out with my son.
@amouryaya09, I have done those & no I had to switch to formula due to dr orders which I’m completely sad about but i have her on gentlease switched from Enfamil newborn and she’s been constipated for 2 days I’ve had to help her.