Anyone else have experience with a baby who bangs their head on stuff? My 1 yr old son gives himself horrible bumps and bruises all over his forehead because when he gets upset, he'll bang his head on whatever is nearest, be that the edge of his crib, the wall, the floor, etc. It seriously looks like I beat him or something, but they're all self inflicted and I don't know how to get him to stop. It escalated even further today when I was trying to make him a bottle as fast as I could and he was in his playpen throwing a fit. He smashed his face so hard on the edge of his playpen that he busted his mouth and had blood on his face by the time I finally got to him with his bottle. I just don't even know what to do and I don't want him to seriously hurt himself, nor do I want someone to try to take my baby away because they think I hurt him at home 😥

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My daughter always did that I just grab her and make it so she can't squirm away and I'll hold the back of her head against my chest and tell her I'm not going to let go until she stops and when I finally let go because she stops I would say don't so it again or I'm going to do it again
15.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kcamps that's how I feel too! I'm like should I ignore it and let him beat the crap out of his head? Or should I reprimand him for it, this giving him attention for it, but save him from potentially causing serious damage? I go back and forth with myself about it and am trying to avoid going to the Dr if possible bc I absolutely hate the hospital we have to go to.
15.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son will purposely bump something then pretend like hes dying. Or he will do it to be funny. Hes covered on bruises. Hes just a rough a tough boy
14.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
That’s what my two year old does, he does it when he throws his tantrums. I’ve been told to just ignore it and not have any kind of reaction, but then again being that he’s one it can be even more nerve wracking, it makes me nervous that he’s going to do serious damage to his head. Maybe call his doctor and see what they recommend you doing?
14.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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