Ughhhh I have a low milk supply (will pump and get about 2 oz combined at the most lately ) and nothing seems to work (taking Fenugreek tablets 10 times a day) pumping every 2 hours 😑 baby is only 6 pounds 13 oz (supplementing with formula) I had her 4 weeks ago and she was 6 pounds at birth 😐 I need help omg or I will quit breastfeeding (I have a lactation consultant)
@jessicartoomer97 I just tried a manual for the first time the other day and it did work better for me to pump first with the manual then use the electric.
Try to feed the baby more often and drink lots of water and do not get stressed. The stress will cut back on your supply. Try to feed like every hour or two to just boost the supply at first, this includes doing it at night too. It will be hard, but that usually does the trick even though your exhausted you have to keep the feeds and/or pumps at specific intervals to get the best result. It takes one missed feed to just lower your supply.
Your breast milk will digest faster than formula so she will get full but will ask more often so just because she last full with formula longer dont mean she will with breast milk be patient
You have to latch her on as many time she cryes dont give her formula the more she latch the more your milk will come and drink more and eat more and pump every hr 2 hr it hard work but it can be done
Omg you're so right because I just noticed for the first time yesterday that she was very fussy after I gave her extra milk (Formula) she wanted more and she already had been on both breast before that....I can't keep up with her demand she even cry's while breastfeeding I guess she wants a faster let down such as the bottle.
21.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Giving her all that extra formula is stretching her belly. That will make her always feel hungry. In return you're setting yourself up for failure because you're not going to be able to keep up with her demand
21.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
See....if she is on the breast, whatever you pump is extra. To be honest it's great that despite putting her on the breast you are still getting 2oz. Also, your supply is still regulating to fit her needs. The first 6 weeks is a crucial time for the development of your supply. She is gaining weight so trust in your body and know that you are making enough milk. At one month, her belly is the size of an egg. She really doesn't need more than about 2 to 3oz per feeding at this point.
@arivera64 wow I didn't know that about Fenugreek.... She is mostly on the breast I pump for extra milk if I don't get enough extra milk I give her formula.
21.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
1. Fenugreek can lower your supply
2. There is no food or supplement proven to increase supply.
3. Your pump does not indicate how much of a supply you really have.
4. 2 oz is a perfectly normal and average amount to pump.
5. Get a new lactation consultant if the one you have isn't helping
6. She's gained nearly 1lb since birth which is great
7. Are you exclusively pumping or are you also putting baby to the breast?
8. When you supplement, you are telling your body not to make milk for that feeding.