Mama's I don't know what to do. I don't know whether to stay with my SO or just leave him. I am fuming. I had to cry to my doctor to give me pain medicine to get me through to my surgery in November I had to basically beg because they don't give out anything other than ibuprofen and Tylenol I finally got a script for norcos and I hid them, didn't want anyone to know I had them, SO found them, and I had like 28 out of 30 I took two. I now have 13. He apparently sold some for cigarettes and gas money and took the rest for his "back pain". That's suppose to last me until the end of October I can't get a refill and the doctor said it was a one time thing..

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I just ended it. I need time to myself, I have no idea what I'm going to do but for now I'm at my moms for the night
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
He always turns it around on me, says he caters to my every need, when he really doesn't. Makes me out to be the bad guy
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
He's playing the victim to try and make you feel guilty. 😒
Tell him you understand his pain and ask him if he understands yours? Ask him if he understands the fact that he stole from you and you will now have to suffer in more pain until your surgery? Ask if he cares about your pain?
It was extremely selfish of him.
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
@damiensmommy1117, I am just done. He's telling me I don't care about his pain, and I might as well leave and throw him out like a piece of garbage but then turns it around when I stopped texting and said fine bye, and he was upset and said that's it were done? And now is complaining about me not understanding his pain.. again.
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
He has sciatica I know his back hurts but he stole them, he never even asked. He's done it once before too. I am financially screwed though I am having major surgery and if I leave and try to get my own place or move in with family I won't be able to afford my bills because I won't be able to work.
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
My husband is an addict as well. You gotta watch that behavior. It only gets worse the more you let it happen
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
I would literally kick his ass. Who the hell does he think he is taking someone else's prescription drugs without asking?!
14.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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