So I've completed day 5. I know I had a lot of tension in my neck and head today. It was a bad day yesterday. Sammy was just completely out of control. I had so much stress and anxiety from all her not listening, over reactions and almost breaking things. She's never malicious but she is just so impulsive before she thinks that things happen, and 9/10 it's not normally me that suffers from her antics. So when I started my practice this morning I knew I had to really to let go so I wouldn't be bringing the tension from yesterday into today. We start every day fresh!
I know if I had had a day like yesterday before all this I would be in tears, crying and breathing myself up for lashing out or thinking I'm a bad mom. But my patients are growing, and I'm able to say "hun I need a moment" so step back focus my breath and come back to the situations a little more chilled. Don't get me wrong I still have those moments but this is giving me the extra patience and ability to relieve some of the anxiety.
While in my practice I'm starting to realize that this time I spend focusing on my breath and working on slowing my thoughts down and just being, is as productive as physically getting something done. I was able to exhale all the tension of yesterday. I'm also noticing that even though my thoughts still wonder I'm able to wrangle them up sooner and come back to focusing on my breathing. We tend to think that if we aren't achieving something physically that we aren't accomplishing anything, but that can not be further from the truth! If we don't take care of our inner self we aren't as affective.
I'm on a 12-day streak and I look forward to this brief time with myself every morning. I'm so thankful for that this business with its positivity, focus on bettering others and it's family came into my life! I am forever changed and forever growing!