Upper Body workouts have always been something I've struggled with. I suffer from chronic pain in my neck back and arm and I have loss of motion in my arm. So those factors make it hard at times to go hard with my upper body. If I'm in a lot of pain I may not be able to do as much as if I wasn't. Shoulder presses, tricep work, and push ups are moves that I dread to do but, of course, that means I will tackle them as hard as I can.
But there was a point in today's workout (which is a push-up massacre) that the pain was too much doing a push-up. I knew I physically could do the move but that amount of pain forced me to stop before the move was done. This, of course, happened in the 10-second count down of the ending of the move. I went into child's pose and could have easily just stayed there for the last 5 seconds of the move. But to me, that would have been quitting. No, I don't quit in that ending count down! That's when I push harder. So I went back into plank and banged out 2 more push ups.
That's the type of person I am! I don't quit on you and especially myself! If you're looking for support know that I'm here and all it takes is to push through your pain!