My daughter is one year and I'm still trying to lose the baby weight 🤦🏻‍♀️ any suggestions

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I didn't start losing a lot of weight until my son was one, also. I realized that just normal walking wasn't cutting it. You really have to get your heart pumping faster. You really don't get a lot of benefits until that happens. And when I mean get your heart pumping fast I mean when you can really feel it like thumping haha so I jogged (really slow jog) up and down this huge hill several times in the afternoon with my son. When he got tired I would keep going, carrying him! Definitely incorporate your daughter in your exercising, it will take your mind off of the pain and make it more fun! Also, at night as a part of our bedtime routine before I laid him down in bed I would carry him and do lunges! The motion would make him very sleepy so it was a win win :) good luck!
07.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
Dont eat after 6pm, have a good nutritious breakfast. Walk regularly, cut out sugar and soda
07.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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