Crib bumpers pros and cons?
I know they are thought to contribute to SIDS risk, but my daughter bangs her head on the rails and gets her feet stuck between them during nap times. I currently only have one bumper up along the back but it makes me nervous to put the rest on.
Anyone care to weigh in?

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I should also add that she loves sleeping right nest to the bumpers cuddling them with her face buried under her blanket and next to the bumper and she has been sleeping like that since about 4 months. I freaked out the first few weeks and would move her but she's fine, that's just how she likes to sleep
31.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I used bumpers for about 6 months until she started smashing it down to stand on to try to escape her crib lol. I had to use bumpers because she would get her leg caught all the time then scream bloody murder
31.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@jlf240, I'm well aware everyone has monitors but not video ones like myself. What my dr said was not to do bumpers at all and they'll learn to stay away from the sides when they bump there head but I don't like that so I did bumpers anyway. So idk if you dr recommended anything
31.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@hannahbbtt, we have two monitors in her room. Pretty sure everyone has monitors.
The mesh won't help her from banging her head. I looked into that before I bought the padded ones.
31.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Why don't you try the mesh or individual ones? I have the regular ones all on and for the longest time I would go check her a thousand times cause anything could happen but my girl does good. Also try a video monitor to help so u could see what she's doing.
31.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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